
Socio-PLT: Clustering Statements

What is Socio-PLT? | Video | Further Resources | Created by Leo Meyerovich and Ari Rabkin (EECS @ Berkeley)

Visualizations: Language/statement ranking Statement correlation Language correlation Statement clustering Language clustering

We split the 110 statements into clusters based on perceived properties by k-means clustering. A statement with a bright color and low distance number beside it is close to the center of its cluster.

Some languages strongly match each cluster. The side bar shows those that are within 10% of the center of the cluster. For such a language, the rating for one statement will be similar to its rating for another. These ratings reveal which language is better or worse according to the cluster.

Explore what happens when you change the number of clusters. Also, look for items that can or cannot be easily fit.

decrease 5decreasek (avg distance: 0) increaseincrease 5
k-means with k = 2 I enjoy using this language,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,5.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 This language is expressive,5.0 This language has a good community,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,5.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,5.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,5.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,5.0 I would list this language on my resume,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,5.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,5.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,5.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,6.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,6.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,6.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,6.0 This language is very flexible,6.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,6.0 This language is good for beginners,6.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 This language is good for distributed computing,6.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,6.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,6.0 This language has a very coherent design,6.0 I use this language out of choice,6.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,6.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,6.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,6.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,6.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,7.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,7.0 This language excels at concurrency,7.0 This language is best for very large projects,7.0 This language is best for very small projects,7.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,7.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",7.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,7.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,7.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,7.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,7.0 This language is minimal,7.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,7.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,7.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,7.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,7.0 I would use this language for a web project,8.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,8.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,8.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,8.0 This is a high level language,8.0 This language is good for scientific computing,8.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,8.0 This language excels at text processing,8.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,8.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,8.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,8.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,8.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,9.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,9.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,9.0 This language is good for numeric computing,10.0 I know this language well,13.0 This language has a strong static type system,13.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,5.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 This language is well documented,5.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,5.0 This language has an annoying syntax,5.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,5.0 I regularly use this language,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,6.0 There are many good tools for this language,6.0 I know many other people who use this language,6.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,6.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,6.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,7.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,7.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,7.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,7.0 I use many applications written in this language,7.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,7.0 This language is large,7.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,8.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,8.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,8.0 This is a low level language,9.0 This is a mainstream language,10.0
k-means with k = 3 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 This language has a high quality implementation,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 This language is well documented,5.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,5.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,5.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,5.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,6.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,6.0 This language is best for very large projects,6.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 There are many good tools for this language,6.0 This language is good for distributed computing,6.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,6.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,7.0 This language excels at concurrency,7.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,7.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,7.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,7.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,7.0 This language is large,7.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,7.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,8.0 This language is good for scientific computing,8.0 This language is good for numeric computing,10.0 This language has a strong static type system,11.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,5.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 This language has an annoying syntax,5.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,6.0 I know many other people who use this language,6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,6.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,6.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,7.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,7.0 I use many applications written in this language,7.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,7.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,8.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,8.0 This is a low level language,9.0 This is a mainstream language,10.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language has a good community,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 This language is expressive,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,5.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,5.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,5.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,5.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,5.0 I regularly use this language,6.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,6.0 This language is good for beginners,6.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",6.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,6.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,6.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,6.0 This language has a very coherent design,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,6.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,6.0 I would use this language for a web project,7.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,7.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,7.0 This is a high level language,7.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,7.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,7.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,7.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,7.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,7.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,7.0 This language is minimal,7.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,7.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,7.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,7.0 This language excels at text processing,8.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,8.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,8.0 I know this language well,12.0
k-means with k = 4 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,5.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 This language is expressive,5.0 This language has a good community,5.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,5.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,5.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,5.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,6.0 This language is best for very small projects,6.0 This language is good for beginners,6.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",6.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,6.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,6.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,6.0 This language has a very coherent design,6.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,6.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,6.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,6.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,7.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,7.0 This is a high level language,7.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,7.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,7.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,7.0 This language is minimal,7.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,7.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,7.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,7.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,8.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,8.0 I know this language well,12.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,6.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,7.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,7.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 This is a low level language,8.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,5.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,6.0 Code written in this language is very readable,6.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 This language is good for distributed computing,6.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,6.0 This language excels at concurrency,7.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,7.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,7.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,7.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,7.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,7.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,7.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,8.0 This language is good for scientific computing,8.0 This language is good for numeric computing,9.0 This language has a strong static type system,10.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 This language is well documented,5.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 I know many other people who use this language,5.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 I use many applications written in this language,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This language is large,6.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,6.0 I would use this language for a web project,7.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,7.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,7.0 This language excels at text processing,8.0 This is a mainstream language,9.0
k-means with k = 5 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,6.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,6.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,7.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,7.0 This is a low level language,8.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,8.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This language is large,6.0 This is a mainstream language,7.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,5.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,6.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 This language is good for distributed computing,6.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,6.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,6.0 This language excels at concurrency,7.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,7.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,7.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,7.0 This language is good for scientific computing,8.0 This language is good for numeric computing,9.0 This language has a strong static type system,10.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,5.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,5.0 I use this language out of choice,6.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,7.0 This is a high level language,7.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,7.0 This language is minimal,7.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,7.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 This language has a good community,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,5.0 This language is well documented,5.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,5.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,5.0 I would list this language on my resume,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,6.0 This language is very flexible,6.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,6.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,6.0 This language is best for very small projects,6.0 This language is good for beginners,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,6.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,6.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,7.0 This language excels at text processing,7.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,7.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,7.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,8.0 I know this language well,12.0
k-means with k = 6 I enjoy using this language,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,5.0 This language is expressive,5.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,5.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,5.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,5.0 This language has a very coherent design,5.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,6.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",6.0 This language is minimal,6.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,6.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,7.0 This is a high level language,7.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,7.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,7.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,7.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language has a good community,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,5.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,6.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 This language is good for beginners,6.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,6.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,7.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,7.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,5.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,5.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,5.0 This language excels at concurrency,6.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,6.0 This language is good for distributed computing,6.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,7.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,6.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,7.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 This is a low level language,8.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,3.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 This language is well documented,5.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 I use many applications written in this language,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This language is large,6.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,7.0 This is a mainstream language,9.0 I know this language well,12.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,5.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 This language is best for very large projects,6.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,6.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,8.0 This language is good for scientific computing,8.0 This language is good for numeric computing,9.0 This language has a strong static type system,10.0
k-means with k = 7 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,6.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,7.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,7.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 This is a low level language,8.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language has a good community,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,5.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I regularly use this language,6.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,6.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 This language is good for beginners,6.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,6.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,6.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,7.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,7.0 I know this language well,12.0 I enjoy using this language,3.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,5.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 This language has a very coherent design,5.0 This language is good for distributed computing,6.0 I use this language out of choice,6.0 This is a high level language,7.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,7.0 This language excels at concurrency,7.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,7.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,4.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,5.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,6.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,6.0 This language is good for scientific computing,7.0 This language is good for numeric computing,8.0 This language has a strong static type system,10.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 This language is well documented,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,5.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,6.0 This language is best for very large projects,6.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,7.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,5.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,6.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,6.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,6.0 This language is minimal,6.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,6.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,6.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This language is large,6.0 This is a mainstream language,7.0
k-means with k = 8 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,5.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,6.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,6.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 This is a high level language,7.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,5.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,6.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,6.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,6.0 This language is minimal,6.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,6.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,6.0 I know this language well,12.0 I enjoy using this language,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,5.0 This language has a good community,5.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,5.0 This language has a very coherent design,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,6.0 This language is good for distributed computing,6.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,7.0 This language excels at concurrency,7.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,7.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,3.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 I use many applications written in this language,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,6.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This language is large,6.0 This is a mainstream language,7.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,6.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 This language is well documented,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,5.0 I regularly use this language,6.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language is best for very large projects,6.0 This language is good for beginners,6.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,6.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,7.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,7.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,5.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 This language is good for scientific computing,7.0 This language has a strong static type system,8.0 This language is good for numeric computing,8.0
k-means with k = 9 This language is best for very small projects,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,5.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,5.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,6.0 This language is good for beginners,6.0 This language is minimal,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,7.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,7.0 I know this language well,12.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,5.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,6.0 This language is best for very large projects,6.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,6.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,5.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 This language is good for scientific computing,7.0 This language has a strong static type system,8.0 This language is good for numeric computing,8.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,6.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,7.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,6.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,4.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,3.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 This language is well documented,5.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 I use many applications written in this language,6.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This language is large,6.0 This language has a high quality implementation,6.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,7.0 This is a mainstream language,9.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language has a good community,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,6.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,6.0 This is a high level language,7.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,7.0
k-means with k = 10 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language has a good community,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,6.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 This language is good for beginners,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,6.0 This is a high level language,7.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,7.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,7.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,6.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,7.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,7.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,5.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,6.0 This language is minimal,6.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,7.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,6.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,6.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,6.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,7.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,4.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,5.0 This is a low level language,7.0 This language is good for numeric computing,9.0 This language is well documented,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,5.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,5.0 I regularly use this language,6.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language is best for very large projects,6.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,6.0 This language is large,6.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,6.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,7.0 This language is good for scientific computing,9.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,4.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 This language has a strong static type system,4.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 I know this language well,0.0
k-means with k = 11 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,5.0 This language is large,6.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 This language is good for scientific computing,6.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,6.0 This language is good for numeric computing,7.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,5.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,7.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,7.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,7.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 I regularly use this language,4.0 This language is well documented,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 I know this language well,12.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,5.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,6.0 This language is minimal,6.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 This language has a good community,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 This language is good for beginners,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,6.0 This is a high level language,7.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,7.0 This language has a strong static type system,0.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,5.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,6.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language is good for distributed computing,6.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 This language excels at concurrency,7.0 I would use this language for a web project,5.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,6.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,6.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,6.0
k-means with k = 12 This language has a good community,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,5.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,6.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,6.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 This language is best for very small projects,6.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,7.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,7.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,0.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,5.0 This language is large,6.0 This is a mainstream language,7.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,4.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,5.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,5.0 This language has a very coherent design,5.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I use this language out of choice,6.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,7.0 This is a high level language,7.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,7.0 This language is minimal,7.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,7.0 This language is good for numeric computing,0.0 This language is good for scientific computing,0.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,5.0 This language excels at concurrency,6.0 This language is good for distributed computing,6.0 This language has a strong static type system,9.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 This language is well documented,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 This language is good for beginners,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,5.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,6.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,6.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,7.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,7.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,7.0 I know this language well,12.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,5.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,5.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,6.0
k-means with k = 13 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,3.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,3.0 This language is best for very small projects,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 This language is minimal,5.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,6.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,6.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,6.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,6.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,6.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language has a good community,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,6.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 This language is good for beginners,6.0 I use this language out of choice,6.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,6.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,6.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,7.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,7.0 This is a low level language,0.0 This language has a strong static type system,4.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,6.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,3.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 I use many applications written in this language,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 I regularly use this language,6.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This language is large,6.0 This is a mainstream language,8.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,5.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,5.0 This is a high level language,6.0 I know this language well,10.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,3.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,5.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,5.0 This language is well documented,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 This language has a very coherent design,5.0 This language is good for distributed computing,6.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,7.0 This language excels at concurrency,7.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,7.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,0.0
k-means with k = 14 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,5.0 This language has a very coherent design,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,6.0 I use this language out of choice,6.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,7.0 This is a high level language,7.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,7.0 This language has a good community,4.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,5.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,6.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,6.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,7.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,6.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,0.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,0.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,0.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,0.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,5.0 This language is minimal,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 This language is good for beginners,4.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,5.0 This language is well documented,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,5.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,5.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,5.0 I regularly use this language,6.0 This language is best for very large projects,6.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 This language is large,6.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,7.0 I know this language well,0.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,6.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,7.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,7.0 This is a low level language,8.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,5.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,5.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,5.0 This language is good for scientific computing,7.0 This language excels at concurrency,7.0 This language is good for distributed computing,7.0 This language is good for numeric computing,8.0
k-means with k = 15 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,6.0 I know this language well,0.0 This language is good for scientific computing,4.0 This language is good for numeric computing,5.0 This language is large,7.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,4.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,6.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,4.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,5.0 This is a high level language,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,6.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,7.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 This language is well documented,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,5.0 This language is minimal,6.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 This language has a good community,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 This language is good for distributed computing,5.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,6.0 This language excels at concurrency,7.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,3.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,4.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,5.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,6.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I would use this language for a web project,5.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,6.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language is best for very large projects,6.0 This language is good for beginners,6.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,6.0
k-means with k = 16 I find this language easy to prototype in,3.0 This language has a good community,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 I regularly use this language,6.0 This is a high level language,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,7.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,7.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,3.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,3.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,6.0 This language has a strong static type system,10.0 This language is good for beginners,4.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,6.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,6.0 This language excels at concurrency,3.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 I know this language well,0.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,4.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,5.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,0.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,0.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,3.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 This language is well documented,5.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 I use many applications written in this language,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This language is large,6.0 This is a mainstream language,8.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,5.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,6.0 This language is minimal,6.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,6.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0
k-means with k = 17 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 This is a low level language,5.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,5.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,5.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 This language has a good community,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,6.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,7.0 I know this language well,0.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 This language has a very coherent design,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0 This is a high level language,7.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,6.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,4.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,4.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,5.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,6.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",4.0 This language is minimal,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,5.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 This language is good for beginners,5.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,5.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,5.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,4.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,3.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 This language is well documented,5.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 I use many applications written in this language,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 I regularly use this language,6.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This language is large,6.0 This is a mainstream language,8.0 This language has an annoying syntax,3.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,6.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 This language is good for scientific computing,6.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,6.0 This language is good for numeric computing,6.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,3.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,5.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0
k-means with k = 18 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,5.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,3.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,5.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,5.0 I know this language well,0.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,3.0 This language has a good community,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 This is a high level language,7.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,5.0 This language excels at concurrency,6.0 This language is good for distributed computing,6.0 This language has a strong static type system,9.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,6.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,7.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,3.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,3.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,3.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,4.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,5.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,0.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,5.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,6.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 I would list this language on my resume,3.0 This language is well documented,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 I regularly use this language,6.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,6.0 This language is large,6.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,7.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,3.0 This language is minimal,3.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,6.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 This language is good for beginners,5.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,6.0
k-means with k = 19 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,3.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 This language is minimal,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,4.0 This language has a good community,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,4.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,5.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,6.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,6.0 This language is good for scientific computing,7.0 This language is good for numeric computing,8.0 This language has a strong static type system,10.0 This is a high level language,0.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 This language is well documented,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 This language is good for beginners,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,4.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,6.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,6.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,0.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,4.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 I know this language well,0.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,0.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,3.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 This language is large,6.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,5.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,6.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,7.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,7.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,6.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,6.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,7.0 This is a low level language,8.0 I enjoy using this language,3.0 This language is expressive,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,7.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,7.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,0.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 I use this language out of choice,0.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,5.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,6.0 This language is best for very large projects,6.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,6.0
k-means with k = 20 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,5.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,5.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,3.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",3.0 I regularly use this language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,5.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,6.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,6.0 I use this language out of choice,6.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,6.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 This language has an annoying syntax,3.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,3.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 This is a high level language,4.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,4.0 I know this language well,0.0 This language is well documented,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,5.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,6.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,7.0 This language has a good community,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 This language is good for distributed computing,5.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,6.0 This language excels at concurrency,6.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,6.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,0.0 This language is large,0.0 This language is good for beginners,3.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,3.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 This language is expressive,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,5.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,7.0 This language is minimal,7.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,7.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,5.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 This language is best for very large projects,6.0 This language has a strong static type system,8.0
k-means with k = 21 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 This language is good for distributed computing,6.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,6.0 This language excels at concurrency,7.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,0.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,0.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,5.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,4.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,5.0 This language is minimal,6.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language has a good community,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 I know this language well,11.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,3.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,0.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 This is a mainstream language,0.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,6.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,3.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 I use many applications written in this language,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This language is large,6.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 I would list this language on my resume,3.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,4.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,5.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,6.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,6.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,0.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,3.0 This language excels at text processing,4.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,0.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,3.0 This language is well documented,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 This language is good for beginners,5.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,5.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,6.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 This is a high level language,0.0
k-means with k = 22 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 This language has a good community,3.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 This language excels at concurrency,6.0 This language is good for distributed computing,6.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,3.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",6.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,6.0 This language is best for very large projects,6.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,6.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,6.0 This language is expressive,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,4.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,5.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,6.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This is a mainstream language,7.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,4.0 This language excels at text processing,4.0 I would use this language for a web project,5.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,5.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,6.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 This language has a very coherent design,3.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,5.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 This language has a strong static type system,7.0 This language is minimal,0.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,0.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,3.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,3.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,5.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,7.0 I know this language well,0.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 This language is well documented,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language is good for beginners,5.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 This is a high level language,0.0 This language is large,0.0
k-means with k = 23 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,3.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,5.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,5.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,5.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,3.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I know this language well,0.0 This is a low level language,0.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,2.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,2.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,0.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,3.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,3.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,3.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,4.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,6.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,4.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,5.0 This language excels at concurrency,6.0 This language is good for distributed computing,6.0 This language has a strong static type system,9.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,0.0 This language is good for beginners,4.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,5.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 This language has a good community,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,6.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,6.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 This language is well documented,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,5.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,7.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 This language has a very coherent design,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,6.0 This language is minimal,6.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,6.0 This language is large,0.0 This language is expressive,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,6.0 This is a high level language,7.0
k-means with k = 24 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 This language is best for very large projects,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,6.0 This language is large,0.0 This language has a strong static type system,0.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,5.0 This is a high level language,6.0 I know this language well,8.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,4.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This language has a very coherent design,3.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,3.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 This language has a good community,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,6.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 This language is well documented,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,5.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 This language is good for beginners,5.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,6.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,7.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,3.0 This language is minimal,3.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,0.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,7.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,0.0 This is a mainstream language,0.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,0.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,0.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,0.0 This language is good for distributed computing,4.0 This language excels at concurrency,5.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 This language is good for scientific computing,6.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,6.0 This language is good for numeric computing,7.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,5.0
k-means with k = 25 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 This language is good for beginners,4.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 This language is well documented,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 This language has a good community,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,5.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,7.0 This language is good for scientific computing,8.0 This language is good for numeric computing,10.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,6.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This language is large,6.0 This is a mainstream language,7.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 This language is minimal,6.0 This language is expressive,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,3.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,3.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,3.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,5.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,5.0 This language has a strong static type system,8.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",0.0 This language excels at text processing,0.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language is good for distributed computing,4.0 This language excels at concurrency,5.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,0.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,0.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,3.0 I regularly use this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 This is a high level language,0.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,5.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,6.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,0.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,3.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 I know this language well,0.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,0.0
k-means with k = 26 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 This language has a good community,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 This language is good for beginners,5.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 This language is very flexible,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,4.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,5.0 This language is large,0.0 This language is good for numeric computing,0.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,3.0 This language is well documented,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,0.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,6.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,2.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,2.0 This is a low level language,0.0 This is a mainstream language,0.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,5.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,5.0 This language excels at concurrency,7.0 This language has a strong static type system,8.0 This language is expressive,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I use this language out of choice,4.0 This is a high level language,5.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,6.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,5.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,6.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,3.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,5.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",4.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,6.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,6.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,3.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 This language is minimal,5.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,6.0 This language is good for scientific computing,0.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,5.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language is good for distributed computing,6.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,0.0 I know this language well,0.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,5.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,5.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,5.0
k-means with k = 27 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,3.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,5.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,4.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,4.0 This language has a good community,3.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 I would use this language for a web project,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,5.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,5.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,0.0 This is a mainstream language,0.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,5.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,6.0 This language has a strong static type system,7.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,2.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,2.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,6.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,3.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 This language is large,5.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,3.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 This is a high level language,6.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,4.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 This language is well documented,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language is good for beginners,6.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,7.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,4.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 This language is good for scientific computing,0.0 This language is very flexible,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,5.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,5.0 This language is good for numeric computing,0.0 I use many applications written in this language,0.0 This language has a very coherent design,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 This language is minimal,6.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,3.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,3.0 I know this language well,0.0 This language is expressive,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0
k-means with k = 28 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,3.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",4.0 I regularly use this language,0.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,2.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,2.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,3.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 This language is good for beginners,6.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,6.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,6.0 This is a high level language,7.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,7.0 This language has a very coherent design,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,4.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,3.0 This language is minimal,3.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,0.0 This language is large,0.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,0.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,3.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,3.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,3.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,0.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,3.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,3.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 This language is well documented,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,5.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,5.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language is best for very large projects,6.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,6.0 This language is good for distributed computing,6.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,7.0 This language excels at concurrency,7.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,0.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,0.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,0.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 I know this language well,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,3.0 This language has a good community,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,5.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,4.0 This language excels at text processing,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,5.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0
k-means with k = 29 This language is large,0.0 This language is very flexible,0.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,4.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 This language has a good community,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,2.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,2.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,6.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,7.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 This language excels at concurrency,3.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language is well documented,3.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 This language is good for beginners,5.0 This is a high level language,4.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,4.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,0.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 I enjoy using this language,3.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,3.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,3.0 This language is expressive,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 I know this language well,0.0 I use many applications written in this language,3.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,4.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,7.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,6.0 I would use this language for a web project,0.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,6.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,6.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,3.0 This language has a very coherent design,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,5.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,4.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,4.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,0.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,4.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,6.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",4.0 This language is minimal,5.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,5.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,3.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,0.0
k-means with k = 30 This language is good for beginners,3.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,3.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,6.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,3.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,5.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,5.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,7.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,6.0 This language has a good community,3.0 This language is very flexible,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 I would use this language for a web project,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,5.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,3.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,2.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,2.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,0.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,3.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,3.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,3.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,3.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,5.0 This is a mainstream language,0.0 This is a high level language,0.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,4.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,5.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,5.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 This is a low level language,5.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,5.0 This language is minimal,5.0 This language is large,0.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,2.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,2.0 I know this language well,0.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,4.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,4.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,3.0 I use this language out of choice,3.0 This language is well documented,3.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,6.0 This language is expressive,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,6.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0
k-means with k = 31 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,0.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,3.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,3.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,3.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,3.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,3.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,3.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 I would list this language on my resume,3.0 This language is well documented,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 This language has a good community,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,6.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This language is large,7.0 I would use this language for a web project,0.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,3.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,5.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,0.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,6.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,3.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,3.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,0.0 This language is very flexible,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,5.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,5.0 I know this language well,0.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,3.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 This language is good for beginners,3.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,3.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,3.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,5.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,6.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 I use this language out of choice,6.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 This is a low level language,0.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,0.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,6.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,7.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,4.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,3.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 This language is minimal,4.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,3.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,5.0 This is a high level language,0.0
k-means with k = 32 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,3.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,3.0 This language is good for beginners,4.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,6.0 I know this language well,9.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,3.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,5.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,6.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,5.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,6.0 This language is minimal,3.0 This language is best for very small projects,5.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,5.0 This language is good for scientific computing,0.0 This is a high level language,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,5.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,5.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,3.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,3.0 This is a low level language,0.0 This language has a strong static type system,0.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,3.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,3.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language is good for numeric computing,0.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,3.0 This language has a good community,4.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,5.0 This language is large,0.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,3.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 This language is well documented,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",6.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,3.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,3.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,4.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,2.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,2.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,3.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,5.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,3.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,3.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,3.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,3.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,4.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,0.0
k-means with k = 33 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,5.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,3.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,3.0 This language has an annoying syntax,3.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,3.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,0.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,2.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,2.0 This language is good for beginners,3.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,3.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,3.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 I use this language out of choice,0.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,3.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 This language is large,6.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 This language is well documented,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,0.0 I would use this language for a web project,4.0 This language has a good community,4.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,4.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,3.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,5.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,3.0 This language is minimal,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 This language has a very coherent design,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,6.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,7.0 This is a high level language,0.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,3.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",3.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,0.0 I know this language well,0.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,0.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,3.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,3.0 This language is best for very large projects,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,5.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,5.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,0.0 This is a mainstream language,0.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,3.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,5.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,3.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,5.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,7.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,0.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,5.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,5.0
k-means with k = 34 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,0.0 Code written in this language is very readable,3.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,4.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,4.0 I would use this language for a web project,5.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,3.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,4.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,5.0 This language is minimal,6.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,3.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,3.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,6.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,5.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 This is a low level language,0.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 This is a mainstream language,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,3.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,3.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,4.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,0.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,0.0 This language is expressive,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 This is a high level language,6.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 This language is large,0.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,5.0 This language has a strong static type system,4.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,0.0 I know this language well,0.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 This language is good for beginners,4.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,5.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,0.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 This language is good for scientific computing,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,5.0 This language is good for numeric computing,5.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,0.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 This language is good for distributed computing,5.0 This language excels at concurrency,6.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,2.0 This language has a good community,2.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,5.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,5.0 This language is very flexible,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,5.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 This language is well documented,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 This language has a high quality implementation,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,5.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,0.0 I would list this language on my resume,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,6.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,0.0
k-means with k = 35 I know this language well,0.0 This language has a high quality implementation,0.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,7.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,3.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,5.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 This language is good for beginners,6.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,6.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,3.0 This language has a good community,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 This language has an annoying syntax,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,0.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,7.0 Code written in this language is very readable,0.0 This language is good for scientific computing,0.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,4.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 This is a low level language,3.0 This language is best for very large projects,0.0 This is a mainstream language,0.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,6.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,6.0 This language is good for numeric computing,0.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,3.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,4.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 This language is large,6.0 This language has a very coherent design,3.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,4.0 This language is minimal,5.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,3.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,0.0 This is a high level language,4.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,4.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,0.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,0.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 This language has a strong static type system,7.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,0.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,0.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,3.0 This language is well documented,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0
k-means with k = 36 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,5.0 This language excels at concurrency,6.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,5.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,6.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,6.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,5.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,0.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,0.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,0.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 This is a low level language,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,0.0 This language has a good community,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,4.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,0.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,0.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,3.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,6.0 This language is good for distributed computing,6.0 This language is best for very small projects,3.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,3.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",6.0 This is a high level language,0.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,3.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 I use many applications written in this language,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This language is large,6.0 This is a mainstream language,8.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,3.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,5.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,0.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,0.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 This language is well documented,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 This language is good for beginners,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 I know this language well,11.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,4.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,3.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 This language is minimal,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,0.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,3.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,3.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,3.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",3.0 This language is expressive,3.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,3.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,3.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,0.0 This language is best for very large projects,3.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,3.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,0.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,3.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,3.0
k-means with k = 37 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,0.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,3.0 This language is expressive,4.0 This language is good for distributed computing,5.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,3.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,5.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,3.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,3.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,3.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,0.0 This language has a very coherent design,3.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,3.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,0.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 This is a mainstream language,7.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,4.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 This language has a good community,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 This language has a strong static type system,0.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,3.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,7.0 This language excels at concurrency,7.0 There are many good tools for this language,3.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,3.0 This language is large,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,6.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,4.0 I use this language out of choice,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 This is a high level language,6.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,0.0 This language is well documented,3.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 This language has a high quality implementation,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,4.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,5.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This language is best for very small projects,3.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",6.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,6.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,0.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 This language is best for very large projects,6.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,7.0 This language is good for beginners,0.0 This is a low level language,0.0 This language is good for scientific computing,0.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,0.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,3.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,4.0 This language is very flexible,4.0 I would use this language for a web project,5.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,5.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,5.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,0.0 I know this language well,0.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,3.0 This language has an annoying syntax,3.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 This language is minimal,0.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,3.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0
k-means with k = 38 I would use this language to write a command-line app,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 This is a low level language,0.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,0.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,0.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",0.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,0.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,3.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,0.0 I enjoy using this language,3.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This is a mainstream language,7.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,4.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,6.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,3.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 This language is good for beginners,5.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,5.0 This is a high level language,6.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 This language is well documented,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,0.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,0.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 I know this language well,0.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 This language has an annoying syntax,3.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,3.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,4.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,3.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,3.0 This language is large,0.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,4.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language is best for very small projects,3.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 This language is minimal,6.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,3.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,0.0 This language excels at text processing,0.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,0.0 This language has a good community,4.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,6.0 I use this language out of choice,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 This language has a very coherent design,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,4.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,6.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0
k-means with k = 39 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,3.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,4.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 I would list this language on my resume,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,6.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,3.0 This language is very flexible,4.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,5.0 This language is good for scientific computing,0.0 I know this language well,0.0 This language is minimal,0.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",3.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,4.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,5.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,3.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 This language is good for beginners,4.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,3.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,0.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,4.0 This is a mainstream language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,4.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 This is a high level language,0.0 This language is large,0.0 This language is best for very small projects,0.0 This language is expressive,3.0 I use this language out of choice,3.0 There are many good tools for this language,3.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language is good for numeric computing,0.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,4.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,3.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,3.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,0.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,3.0 This language has a good community,3.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,3.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,3.0 This language has a very coherent design,3.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,3.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,5.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,5.0 This language has a strong static type system,5.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,0.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 This language is well documented,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0
k-means with k = 40 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,0.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,3.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,5.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,0.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,4.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,4.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,0.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 I use many applications written in this language,3.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 This language is large,0.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,6.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,3.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,3.0 This language has a strong static type system,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 This language is very flexible,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,4.0 This is a low level language,0.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,3.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 This language is good for numeric computing,0.0 I use this language out of choice,0.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,3.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 This language is good for beginners,3.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,3.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,5.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,4.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,5.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 This language is expressive,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,6.0 This is a high level language,6.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",4.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,5.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,5.0 This language is well documented,3.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 This language has a high quality implementation,4.0 This language is best for very small projects,3.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 This language is minimal,7.0 I would use this language for a web project,0.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,4.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,5.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,0.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,3.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,5.0 I know this language well,0.0 This language is good for scientific computing,0.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,5.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,3.0 This language has a good community,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,4.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,2.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,2.0
k-means with k = 41 I usually use this language on solo projects,3.0 I use this language out of choice,3.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,0.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,3.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,5.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,4.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,0.0 This language is good for distributed computing,0.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,3.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,3.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,0.0 I enjoy using this language,3.0 This language is expressive,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,3.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,5.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",6.0 This language is best for very large projects,0.0 This is a high level language,0.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,6.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 I would list this language on my resume,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,5.0 This language is large,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 This language is well documented,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 This language is good for beginners,5.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,5.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 This language is good for scientific computing,6.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,6.0 This language is good for numeric computing,6.0 This is a low level language,0.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,0.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,3.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 This is a mainstream language,0.0 This language excels at concurrency,0.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,4.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,0.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,3.0 I regularly use this language,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 This language has a very coherent design,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 This language is minimal,6.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,0.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,3.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,3.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,0.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,3.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,0.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,0.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,3.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,5.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 I know this language well,0.0 I would use this language for a web project,4.0 This language has a good community,4.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,4.0
k-means with k = 42 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,3.0 This language is well documented,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,5.0 There are many good tools for this language,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,3.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,5.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,3.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,3.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,3.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,4.0 This language is large,4.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,0.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,0.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,0.0 I would use this language for a web project,0.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,0.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,0.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,0.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,3.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,3.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 I use many applications written in this language,3.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,3.0 This language excels at text processing,4.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,0.0 I enjoy using this language,3.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,3.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 This language is good for beginners,3.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,4.0 This language has a good community,3.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I would list this language on my resume,3.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 This language has a high quality implementation,4.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,3.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,3.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,3.0 This language is best for very large projects,4.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,4.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,3.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 This is a high level language,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,0.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,0.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,6.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,3.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 This language is minimal,4.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,3.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,3.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,0.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,3.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,3.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,0.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,4.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 I know this language well,0.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 This is a low level language,5.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0
k-means with k = 43 I would use this language for casual scripting,3.0 This language excels at text processing,4.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,3.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,0.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 This language is large,0.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,3.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 This language is good for beginners,3.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,3.0 I would use this language for a web project,3.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,0.0 Code written in this language is very readable,3.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,3.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 This is a low level language,0.0 There are many good tools for this language,3.0 I would list this language on my resume,3.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,4.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,5.0 This language is good for numeric computing,5.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,3.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,4.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,5.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,3.0 I use this language out of choice,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,5.0 This language is good for scientific computing,6.0 This language is best for very large projects,0.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,0.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,4.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,0.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,3.0 This language has a good community,3.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,3.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,3.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,3.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,5.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,3.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,3.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,0.0 This is a high level language,4.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,4.0 I know this language well,0.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,3.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,3.0 I enjoy using this language,3.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,3.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,3.0 This language is expressive,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,5.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 This language is well documented,3.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,0.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,0.0 I regularly use this language,3.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,3.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,4.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 This language has a strong static type system,0.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,3.0 This language is minimal,3.0
k-means with k = 44 Code written in this language tends to be terse,4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,0.0 I know this language well,0.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,4.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,0.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,0.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,3.0 I regularly use this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,0.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,3.0 This language is minimal,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,2.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,2.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,3.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,3.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 This language is well documented,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 This language is good for beginners,6.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,3.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,0.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,3.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,3.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,0.0 This language has a good community,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,4.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 This language is good for distributed computing,5.0 This language excels at concurrency,6.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 This is a mainstream language,4.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,0.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,0.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,0.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,3.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,6.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,3.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,5.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,6.0 This is a low level language,0.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,3.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,5.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,5.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 I would list this language on my resume,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,5.0 This language is large,5.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,2.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,2.0 I would use this language for a web project,4.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,4.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,3.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,3.0 This language has an annoying syntax,3.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 This is a high level language,0.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,0.0
k-means with k = 45 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,3.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 This language is large,5.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,3.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,4.0 I would use this language for a web project,0.0 This language is very flexible,0.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",0.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,5.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,3.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,3.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,3.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,3.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,0.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,0.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,3.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,5.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,0.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,0.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,0.0 This language excels at text processing,0.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,0.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,0.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,3.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 This language is minimal,5.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,6.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,0.0 This language excels at concurrency,3.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,3.0 This language is well documented,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,5.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,5.0 This language is good for beginners,6.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,0.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,5.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 This language has a good community,3.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,4.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,4.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,4.0 This is a high level language,4.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,4.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,6.0 I know this language well,0.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,3.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,3.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,3.0 I enjoy using this language,3.0 This language is expressive,3.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,3.0 This language has a very coherent design,3.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,5.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,3.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 This is a low level language,5.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,0.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,0.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,3.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,5.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,6.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,6.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,7.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0
k-means with k = 46 This is a mainstream language,0.0 I use this language out of choice,0.0 This language is minimal,0.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,0.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,0.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,2.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,2.0 This language excels at concurrency,0.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,3.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 This language has a good community,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,5.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,5.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,5.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,4.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,5.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 I would list this language on my resume,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 This language is well documented,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,5.0 This language is large,5.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,3.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,4.0 This language is good for beginners,3.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,3.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,0.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,0.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 This is a low level language,5.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,0.0 This language has a high quality implementation,0.0 I enjoy using this language,3.0 This language is expressive,3.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,3.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,3.0 This language is good for distributed computing,0.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,3.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,5.0 Code written in this language is very readable,5.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,5.0 This language is best for very small projects,3.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,3.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",6.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,4.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,5.0 This language is good for scientific computing,0.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,4.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,4.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,4.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,6.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,6.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,3.0 This language is best for very large projects,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,4.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,3.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,3.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,3.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,3.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,3.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 This language is good for numeric computing,0.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,0.0 This is a high level language,4.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,5.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,6.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,0.0 I know this language well,0.0
k-means with k = 47 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,0.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,0.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,0.0 I know this language well,0.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,3.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 This language is well documented,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",6.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,3.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,3.0 This language is best for very small projects,3.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,3.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,4.0 This language is good for beginners,3.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,3.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,3.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,3.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,3.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,3.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,3.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,0.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,0.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,0.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,3.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,3.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,0.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,0.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,0.0 This language is expressive,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,5.0 This is a high level language,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,7.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,3.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,7.0 I enjoy using this language,3.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,3.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,3.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 This language is minimal,5.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,6.0 I would use this language for a web project,0.0 There are many good tools for this language,2.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,2.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,3.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,3.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,0.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,3.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,3.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,3.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,4.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,4.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,5.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,4.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 This language has a good community,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,5.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,6.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,3.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,4.0 This language excels at text processing,4.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,0.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 I would list this language on my resume,3.0 This language has a high quality implementation,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,5.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language is large,6.0 This language excels at concurrency,3.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language has a strong static type system,0.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,0.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 This is a low level language,5.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0
k-means with k = 48 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,4.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,4.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,0.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,3.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,5.0 This language is minimal,6.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,0.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,3.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,3.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,3.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,0.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This is a low level language,6.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,3.0 This language is best for very small projects,3.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,0.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,2.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,3.0 This language has an annoying syntax,3.0 I would use this language for a web project,0.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,3.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,0.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,3.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,6.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,4.0 This language is best for very large projects,4.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,3.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,3.0 This language has a very coherent design,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,5.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,0.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,0.0 This language is good for beginners,0.0 This language is expressive,4.0 This is a high level language,5.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,0.0 I know this language well,0.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,0.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 This language is well documented,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,5.0 I regularly use this language,6.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,0.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 This language has a high quality implementation,3.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,3.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,4.0 This language is large,0.0 There are many good tools for this language,3.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,5.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,3.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,3.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,0.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,3.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,4.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 This language has a good community,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,6.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 This is a mainstream language,6.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,0.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,0.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,4.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,3.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",6.0
k-means with k = 49 Code written in this language is very readable,3.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,3.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,3.0 This language has a good community,3.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,3.0 This is a high level language,0.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 I enjoy using this language,3.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,3.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,3.0 This is a low level language,0.0 This is a mainstream language,0.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,0.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,0.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,0.0 This language excels at text processing,0.0 I know this language well,0.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,4.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,5.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,0.0 This language is best for very small projects,3.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,3.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 This language has a strong static type system,0.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,3.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 This language is minimal,4.0 I would use this language for a web project,3.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,3.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,0.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,0.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,0.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,3.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,3.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,5.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,3.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,3.0 This language is best for very large projects,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,5.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,6.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,3.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,3.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,0.0 This language is very flexible,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,4.0 I use this language out of choice,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,3.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,5.0 This language is good for beginners,5.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,4.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,2.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,5.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,5.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,5.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,0.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,0.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,0.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,3.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 I would list this language on my resume,3.0 This language is well documented,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language is large,6.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,3.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 This language has an annoying syntax,3.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,3.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,4.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,5.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,0.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,3.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",0.0
k-means with k = 50 I use many applications written in this language,3.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,4.0 This language has a good community,3.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,3.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 This is a high level language,0.0 This language is expressive,2.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,2.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,0.0 This is a mainstream language,0.0 This language is good for beginners,3.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,3.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,0.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,3.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,5.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,4.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,3.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,3.0 This language is good for scientific computing,0.0 I enjoy using this language,3.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,0.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,3.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,6.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,6.0 This language is minimal,6.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,6.0 This language is large,0.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,0.0 There are many good tools for this language,2.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,2.0 This language is good for numeric computing,0.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,3.0 This language is very flexible,4.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,5.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,3.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,3.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,0.0 This language has a strong static type system,0.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,3.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,3.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,0.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,0.0 This language is well documented,3.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 I regularly use this language,4.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 This language has a high quality implementation,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,4.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,4.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,3.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,3.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,3.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,4.0 This language has a very coherent design,2.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,4.0 This language is best for very large projects,0.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,5.0 I know this language well,0.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,0.0 This is a low level language,0.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,6.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 Code written in this language is very readable,3.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0
k-means with k = 51 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,2.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,2.0 I know this language well,0.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,3.0 This language has a good community,4.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 This is a high level language,6.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,6.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,3.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,0.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,5.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,0.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,3.0 This language has an annoying syntax,3.0 This language excels at concurrency,3.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,0.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,4.0 This is a mainstream language,0.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,0.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,0.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,4.0 This language has a strong static type system,6.0 This is a low level language,0.0 This language is good for beginners,3.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,3.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,3.0 I regularly use this language,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,0.0 This language is expressive,3.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,6.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,3.0 This language is best for very small projects,3.0 This language excels at text processing,5.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,5.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,5.0 I use this language out of choice,0.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,4.0 This language is large,4.0 This language is best for very large projects,0.0 I would use this language for a web project,0.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,3.0 This language is minimal,3.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,4.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,4.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,0.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,3.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,3.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,3.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,3.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,3.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,3.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,2.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,2.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,3.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,5.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 This language has a high quality implementation,3.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,3.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,3.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,3.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,3.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,3.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,6.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,4.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 This language is well documented,4.0
k-means with k = 52 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,0.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,3.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,4.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,0.0 This language has a very coherent design,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,4.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,4.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,3.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,3.0 I know this language well,6.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,6.0 I enjoy using this language,3.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,3.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,0.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,0.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 Code written in this language is very readable,3.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,3.0 This language is good for scientific computing,3.0 This language is good for numeric computing,3.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,0.0 This is a low level language,0.0 This language excels at concurrency,3.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,0.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,3.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,0.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,3.0 I use many applications written in this language,3.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,0.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,0.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,0.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,0.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,4.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,4.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,5.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,0.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,0.0 This language is best for very large projects,4.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,7.0 This language has a strong static type system,8.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,3.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,3.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,4.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 This language is best for very small projects,3.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 This language excels at text processing,6.0 This language is minimal,7.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,0.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,0.0 I would use this language for a web project,0.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,3.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,4.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,5.0 This language is large,6.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 This language is expressive,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,2.0 This language has a good community,2.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,0.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 This language is well documented,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 This language has a high quality implementation,4.0 I regularly use this language,5.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,5.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This is a mainstream language,0.0 This language is good for beginners,0.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,3.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,5.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,5.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 This language is very flexible,0.0 This is a high level language,0.0
k-means with k = 53 I enjoy using this language,3.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,3.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,3.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,4.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,5.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,5.0 I use many applications written in this language,0.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,3.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,0.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,0.0 This is a mainstream language,0.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,3.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,3.0 This language has a strong static type system,0.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,5.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,5.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,3.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,3.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,4.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,4.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,2.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,2.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,0.0 This language is good for numeric computing,0.0 This language is good for beginners,4.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,6.0 I know this language well,9.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,3.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,3.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,3.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 This language excels at text processing,0.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,3.0 I regularly use this language,4.0 I know many other people who use this language,4.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,3.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,3.0 This language has a high quality implementation,0.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,3.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,3.0 This language is well documented,4.0 This language is large,5.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,4.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,6.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,6.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,6.0 This language is best for very small projects,4.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,4.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,4.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,5.0 I would use this language for a web project,0.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,3.0 This language is minimal,3.0 This is a low level language,0.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,2.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,2.0 This language excels at concurrency,3.0 This language is good for distributed computing,3.0 This is a high level language,0.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,3.0 This language has a good community,3.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,4.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,0.0 This language is good for scientific computing,0.0 This language is expressive,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,4.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,4.0 This language is very flexible,5.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,5.0 I use this language out of choice,5.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,6.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,3.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,3.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,3.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,3.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,0.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,0.0 This language has a very coherent design,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,4.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,4.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,3.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",4.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",5.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,0.0 There are many good tools for this language,0.0
k-means with k = 54 This language has a good community,3.0 I rarely have difficulty abstracting patterns I find in my code,4.0 I usually use this language on solo projects,4.0 I can imagine this will be a popular language in twenty years time,4.0 There are many good open-source tools for this language,5.0 This language is well suited for an agile development approach using short iterations.,5.0 This is a high level language,0.0 I can imagine using this language in my day job,3.0 I would use this language for writing server programs,3.0 There are many good commercial tools for this language,0.0 Writing code in this language is a lot of work,3.0 This language is unusually bad for beginners,3.0 This language has a very rigid idea of how things should be done,4.0 I would use this language for a web project,3.0 This language has a good library distribution mechanism.,3.0 Learning this language improved my ability as a programmer,0.0 This is a mainstream language,0.0 This language has unusual features that I often miss when using other languages,2.0 I find code written in this language very elegant,3.0 I would like to write more of this language than I currently do,3.0 I would recommend most programmers learn this language regardless of whether they have a specific need for it,0.0 I know many other people who use this language,3.0 There is a wide variety of open source code written in this language,4.0 When I run into problems my colleagues can provide me with immediate help with this language,4.0 I use many applications written in this language,4.0 I find this language easy to prototype in,3.0 I often write things in this language with the intent of rewriting them in something else later,3.0 I would use this language as a scripting language embedded inside a larger application,0.0 When I write code in this language I can be very sure it is correct,3.0 Code written in this language tends to be very reliable,3.0 If my code in this language successfully compiles there is a good chance my code is correct.,4.0 This language is likely to be around for a very long time,0.0 I am reluctant to admit to knowing this language,3.0 I am sometimes embarrassed to admit to my peers that I know this language,4.0 I often get angry when writing code in this language,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be verbose,5.0 The thought that I may still be using this language in twenty years time fills me with dread,0.0 I enjoy playing with this language but would never use it for "real code",4.0 The semantics of this language are much different than other languages I know.,4.0 I learned this language early in my career as a programmer,0.0 I regularly use this language,0.0 This language has a wide variety of agreed-upon conventions which are generally adhered to reasonably well and which increase my productivity,3.0 It is easy to tell at a glance what code in this language does,4.0 Code written in this language is very readable,4.0 This language encourages writing code that is easy to maintain.,4.0 This language is best for very large projects,5.0 This language allows me to write programs where I know exactly what they are doing under the hood,3.0 I would use this language for writing programs for an embedded hardware platform,3.0 This language is suitable for real-time applications,4.0 This is a low level language,5.0 I would use this language for writing embedded programs,5.0 This language is easier to use for it's problem domain by removing unneeded expressiveness (such as not being Turing complete).,0.0 This language is frequently used for applications it isn't suitable for,3.0 I use a lot of code written in this language which I really don't want to have to make changes to,3.0 Programs written in this language will usually work in future versions of the language,4.0 This language has an annoying syntax,4.0 This language has many features which feel "tacked on",0.0 I find it easy to write efficient code in this language,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to be efficient,4.0 This language is good for numeric computing,6.0 I enjoy using this language,4.0 This language is good for distributed computing,4.0 This language is likely to have a strong influence on future languages,4.0 This language encourages writing reusable code.,4.0 This language excels at concurrency,5.0 Code written in this language will usually run in all the major implementations if it runs in one of them.,0.0 This language has a strong static type system,0.0 I know this language well,0.0 This language is likely to be a passing fad,0.0 This language is good for beginners,3.0 It's unusual for me to discover unfamiliar features,4.0 This language would be good for teaching children to write software,4.0 Programs written in this language tend to play well with others,0.0 This language is expressive,3.0 I use this language out of choice,4.0 Code written in this language tends to be terse,5.0 I would use this language for casual scripting,3.0 This language excels at text processing,3.0 This language excels at symbolic manipulation,0.0 It is too easy to write code in this language that looks like it does one thing but actually does something else,3.0 This language makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot,3.0 This language is large,0.0 This language has a very dogmatic community,0.0 This language is best for very small projects,3.0 This language is minimal,3.0 Learning this language significantly changed how I use other languages.,3.0 This language has a very coherent design,4.0 This language is built on a small core of orthogonal features,4.0 If this language didn't exist I would have trouble finding a satisfactory replacement,5.0 I often feel like I am not smart enough to write this language,5.0 This language has a niche outside of which I would not use it,0.0 Libraries in this language tend to be well documented.,3.0 This language is well documented,4.0 The resources for learning this language are of high quality,4.0 It is easy to debug programs written in this language when it goes wrong,4.0 There are many good tools for this language,4.0 This language has well-organized libraries with consistent carefully thought-out interfaces,4.0 I would use this language for mobile applications,5.0 I would use this language for a desktop GUI project,6.0 I usually use this language on projects with many other members,3.0 Third-party libraries are readily available well-documented and of high quality,3.0 I would use this language to write a command-line app,0.0 I would list this language on my resume,4.0 This language has a high quality implementation,4.0 This language is good for scientific computing,5.0 There is a lot of accidental complexity when writing code in this language,2.0 Developers who primarily use this language often burn out after a few years,2.0 This language has a niche in which it is great,3.0 This language matches it's problem domain particularly well.,3.0 This language is very flexible,3.0 I still discover new features of this language on a fairly regular basis,3.0